In the press
Ava Ocean in The Times: Mission to save oceans makes waves
The news that Ava Ocean and Ocean 14 Capital are teaming up to revolutionise seabed harvesting was reported in The Times newspaper.
In the press
Kystmagasinet: Banebrytende fartøy tjener endelig penger
Kystmagasinet melder at Ava Ocean begynner å se lønnsomme dager i fiskeriet, til tross for utfordringer i fabrikken.
in Norwegian
In the press
The Economist highlights Ava Ocean as example fishery
Ava Ocean was recently highlighted in an Economist Impact article.
In the press
Intrafish article: Reopening the Norwegian scallop fishery
Ava Ocean CMO Anette Zimowski spoke to Intrafish about re-launching the Norwegian Arctic scallop fishery using Ava Ocean's new technology.
In the press
Stor interesse for Arctic Pearl på dåpsdagen
Både lokale, nasjonale og bransjemedier var tilstede under dåpseremonien ved Fiskerstrand verft. Det resulterte i flere flotte saker i pressen om Ava Ocean og våre ambisjoner.
in Norwegian
In the press
Forbes names Ava Ocean "one to watch"
We were recently highlighted as one of five green Norwegian companies to watch by the esteemed financial magazine Forbes.
In the press
Ava Ocean pioneering precision scallop-harvesting technology
We spoke to Nicki Holmyard and SeafoodSource about our seabed harvesting project.
In the press
No startar den verkelege jobben
Ombygging på Fiskerstrand, nytt reiarkontor i Ålesund og utviklingsavdeling i Ulsteinvik. Tau Tech-gründarane har nok å gjere.
in Norwegian