
Harvesting success for world’s first non-invasive seabed fishing gear
Ava Ocean and its Arctic Pearl can confirm the success of the full scale commercial version of their non-invasive seabed harvesting technology, after completing their first test run in the Barents Sea this Christmas.

In the press
Intrafish article: Reopening the Norwegian scallop fishery
Ava Ocean CMO Anette Zimowski spoke to Intrafish about re-launching the Norwegian Arctic scallop fishery using Ava Ocean's new technology.

Historic day as new seabed seafood adventure kicks off in Norway
The world’s first low-impact precision seabed harvester is ready to set course for the Barents Sea and the reopening of the arctic scallop fishery for the first time in 30 years.

In the press
Stor interesse for Arctic Pearl på dåpsdagen
Både lokale, nasjonale og bransjemedier var tilstede under dåpseremonien ved Fiskerstrand verft. Det resulterte i flere flotte saker i pressen om Ava Ocean og våre ambisjoner.
in Norwegian

Historisk dag for norsk fiskerinæring
Verdens første skånsomme havbunnshøster er ferdigstilt og setter kursen mot Barentshavet for å gjenåpne fiskeri etter 30 år.
in Norwegian

In the press
Forbes names Ava Ocean "one to watch"
We were recently highlighted as one of five green Norwegian companies to watch by the esteemed financial magazine Forbes.

In the press
Ava Ocean pioneering precision scallop-harvesting technology
We spoke to Nicki Holmyard and SeafoodSource about our seabed harvesting project.

Forbes: Ava Ocean "one to watch" among green Norwegian companies
We were mentioned in Forbes Magazine as one of five green Nrowegian companies to watch.

Geir Ingebrigtsen joins Ava Ocean as CFO
Geir Ingebrigtsen is the new Chief Financial Officer in Ava Ocean, the company aiming to revolutionise sustainable seabed harvesting.

Geir Ingebrigtsen er ny CFO i Ava Ocean
Geir Ingebrigtsen blir økonomidirektør for selskapet som har som mål å revolusjonere hvordan man høster sjømat skånsomt og effektivt fra havbunnen.
in Norwegian

TAU Tech becomes Ava Ocean ahead of historic reopening of fishery
Aalesund-based TAU Tech rebrands to Ava Ocean in preparation for a new phase for the ocean technology company on a mission to revolutionise how to sustainably harvest seafood from the seabed.

Tau Tech blir Ava Ocean
Ålesundselskapet TAU Tech bytter navn til Ava Ocean og forbereder seg på neste fase for selskapet som har som mål å revolusjonere hvordan man høster sjømat fra havbunnen.
in Norwegian